of Greater Saint Louis
“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
- Muhammad Ali
BNA Member Sub-committees
Members are expected to support two subcommittee.
Nominating Committee
Notify the membership committee of all elective positions to be filled.
Screen candidates and prepare a slate of officers and elected committee persons as specified in ARTICLE VII, Section 1.B. and 1.C.
Finance Committee
Consider and recommend means for securing adequate income.
Recommend an annual budget to the Executive Board.
Advise the Executive Board and the chapter concerning investments and other financial business.
Have all financial records examined at the end of the fiscal year by an accountant.
Membership Committee
Receive, review, and approve all applications for new members.
Devise ways and means for increasing the membership of the chapter.
Bylaws Committee
Periodically review the Bylaws and notify the members of the proposed amendments at least thirty (30) days before the meeting.
Prepare the amendments for presentation to the membership.
Review chapter by-laws every five (5) years and make recommendations for changes as necessary.
Program Committee
Make recommendations to the Executive Board for activities affecting Black local nurses and health care of the Black community.
Work closely with members/groups and educational institutions to increase and retain the number of Blacks and other minorities completing nursing programs.
Assist Black and other minority students in the development of strategies to achieve successful completion of nursing programs.
Health Policy Committee
Initiate, and support desirable health and nursing legislation in the interest of the Black community.
Work collaboratively with health care providers and/or organizations in disseminating information regarding national and/or regional legislative issues.
Scholarship & Awards Committee
Establish and disseminate criteria for submitting candidates recommended for NBNA and the chapter scholarship award and recognition.
Screen and prepare all necessary information regarding recommended candidates for NBNA and chapter approval.
Announce selected scholarship and award recipients at the annual meeting.
Publicity & Public Relations Committee
Secure publicity for the chapter and all committee activities through all mass communications systems.
Rules for advertising
Management of publicity outlets: social media, organization website
Special Student Mentorship Committee
Mentor chapter nursing students
Fundraiser for nursing student activities: scholarship sponsorships
NCLEX preparedness and school support
Community relationship building and partnerships.
Special Professional Development Committee
Resume, bio, and professional profile building
Professional photos portfolio
Scholarship application preparedness
Internship and externship partnership development
Preparation for publishing articles and presentations
Career Development